Dzil Majaz: Journal of Arabic Literature 2024-08-19T07:08:09+00:00 Mohammad Zainal Hamdy Open Journal Systems <p>Dzil Majaz is a journal of Arabic Literature which is published Biannually on January and July by Arabic Literature Department, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuanyar, Pamekasan. The journal covers language issues researched in the literary history, literary theory, literary criticism, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics, stylistics and others. The article must be written in either Arabic or English or Indonesian</p> Tarikh Falsafah al-Lughah al-Insaniyah 2024-07-18T02:27:54+00:00 Wiwik Prasetiyo Ningsih <p>There are many differences in the discussion of the origin of language. The results of studies on this issue have not been conclusive due to the difficulty researchers face in reaching a consensus. So, what is the history of the origin of language in this world? There are many theories about the origin of language to answer this problem. The aim of this research is to uncover the history of the emergence of language. The approach of this research is qualitative. The researcher used the library method for her research. She collected data through documentation, which involved reading books, articles, and research related to this topic. The data analysis method used in this research is content analysis. The results of this research are that the researcher found various theories about the origin of language, including the divine theory, the convention theory, the Bow-wow theory (theory of natural sound imitation), the Pooh-pooh theory (theory of emotional exclamations), the Yo-he-ho theory (theory of vocal responses to muscular movements), and the like. None of these theories are entirely right or wrong, but language encompasses all of them.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Zainal Hamdy, Wiwik Prasetiyo Ningsih Tarjamat al-Aghani al-Indunisiyah Ila al-‘Arabiyah Ala Dhou’i al-Shoutiyyat al-‘Arabiyah 2024-07-18T02:33:15+00:00 Rousul Firdaus <p>With the widespread use of social media, particularly the YouTube platform, it has emerged as one of the most significant phenomena in the current digital landscape. It serves not only as a medium for sharing and accessing visual content but also as a space for various forms of creativity, innovation, invention, and information. Its extensive use is evident in the rapidly increasing amount of content covering diverse topics such as entertainment, product reviews, and education, including the delivery of learning materials, learning activities, instructional models, and even song translations from one language to another. The purpose of this study is to analyze errors in the translation of syllables (maqtha’) in Indonesian songs translated into Arabic on several YouTube channels. The approach used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive-analytical method. The main data sources are translated song lyrics from the channels “Kampung Arab Al-Azhar” and “Inspirasi Arabia”, both focusing on the same theme, namely “Mungkin”. Secondary sources include books, magazines, journals, and scholarly articles closely related to the topic. Data collection methods utilized include observation and documentation on one of the relevant YouTube channels. The research findings indicate that Arabic phonetics play a crucial role in translating Indonesian songs into Arabic to maintain the beauty of the target language by ensuring syllable harmony between the source and target languages.</p> 2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rousul Firdaus Keteladanan dalam Kitab Nadzom Syaikhina ‘Ala Hikayati Khadim Al-Ma’had Dar Al- ‘Ulum Banyuanyar Al-Islami Asy-Syekh Al-Haj Muhammad Syamsul Arifin Karya Muhsin Muis 2024-07-21T01:38:37+00:00 Faizetul Ukhrawiyah Rusmawati Hadaniyah Umniyah Umniyah <p>The book "Nadzam Syaikhona" is the first work that explores the life story of KH. Moh. Syamsul Arifin, the caretaker of Banyuanyar Islamic boarding school, from his childhood until his passing. This book employs the bahr rajz, making it suitable for analysis using a structuralism approach. The analysis utilizes a qualitative descriptive literature research method with the data collection technique of reading and note-taking. The research results present the story of KH. Moh. Syamsul Arifin. The characters include Syaikhona Moh. Syamsul Arifin, KH. Hamid Baqir, and Ny. Halimah Baqir. The background encompasses the time setting from Syaikhona's birth on June 6, 1945, to the time of his passing on July 1, 2021 CE. The settings include 1) Pakes, Panaan, Palengaan - Syaikhona's birthplace, 2) his grandmother's house where he hides to enjoy delicious food, 3) Bata-bata, 4) Alas Bulu, Wongsorejo, 5) Banyuwangi, 6) Sidogiri Islamic boarding school, 7) Banyuanyar Islamic boarding school, 8) Karang Suko, Malang, 9) Mecca, 10) Bangkalan, 11) Panji Siwalan, 12) Toronan, 13) Tamberu. The plot unfolds using a forward and backward sequence, and the perspective is from a third-person point of view. The literary style employs the bahr rajz with the wazan مستفعلن مستفعلن مستفعلن × مستفعلن مستفعلن مستفعلن and berqafiyah. The message contained is the guidance of Syaikhona to the students, teachers, and everyone regarding family matters, work principles, and how to respect the Quran.</p> 2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faizetul Ukhrawiyah, Rusmawati Hadaniyah, Umniyah Umniyah Bina'u al-Qasidah Lada al-Sya’ir Usman Abdullah Yahya 2024-08-19T07:08:09+00:00 Muhammad Tijjani Muhammad <p>The poem in Arabic literature from antiquity has its own structure make the poets and critics made this structure basis of their works and the Arabic poem is composed of several sections so the first line of the poem is the introduction. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method used being a Literature Review. Data is collected from various references, both from primary and secondary books, as well as from related articles. Then get rid, to the conclusion for whom he composed poetry the ancient poets adhered to it and the later critics adhered to it. and this article deals with the historical bag ground of the poet Usman Abdullahi Yahya as its touched on the structure of poems to reach the purpose deserved goal and achieve what he hoped for in the poems</p> 2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Tijjani Muhammad Karakteristik dan Keindahan Syair Barat Ibnu Hani Al-Andalusi 2024-08-10T08:34:56+00:00 Fajar Ledianto Ahmad Nuruddin Elok Rufaiqoh Achmad Amry Zumaro A’laa <p>This research aims to analyze the characteristics and beauty of Ibn Hani Al-Andalusi's western poetry during the Abbasid period. This research is library research with qualitative descriptive research methods. The data and data sources are words or sentences included in the poetry of Ibnu Hani Al-Andalusi. This research will discuss in detail the characteristics and beauty of Ibnu Hani Al-Andalusi's poetry. The results of this research show that Ibnu Hani Al-Andalusi was a poet who wrote a lot about praise poetry (<em>al-Madh</em>) which was mainly used for the caliph Mu'iz Lidinillah, however, the poetry still contains sub-texts. sub-themes such as lamentation (<em>Al-Ritsa'</em>), reproach/insult (<em>Al-Hija'</em>), seduction (<em>Al-Ghazal</em>), and description (<em>Al-Washf</em>). The forms of beauty of poetry that will be studied are in terms of theme, emotion ('athifah), imagination (khayāl), language style and poetry literature which includes the science of balaghah. From these studies, the beauty of the language of Ibn Hani Al-Andalusi's poetry will be seen, so that we can find out how beautiful the western poetry works that were famous during the Abbasid era were</p> 2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Ledianto, Ahmad Nuruddin, Elok Rufaiqoh, Achmad Amry Zumaro A’laa