Al-Wazan: Journal of Arabic Education
E-ISSN: 2962-0732
Al-Wazan: Journal of Arabic Education which is published Biannually on January and July by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Pamekasan accepted 7 articles in this issue, which are works by 19 researchers. They are senior lecturers, and academic researchers from 2 countries of origin (Nigeria and Indonesia). two authors are from the Federal University Of Kashere, Gombe State Nigeria, and University of Muhammad Ghane Nigeria and other researchers are spread from 5 Indonesian institutions: Universitas Jambi, Institut Agama Islam DDI Polewali Mandar, State Islamic Institute Institute of Ponorogo, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Majene and Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Pamekasan